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Environment Canada says the region will likely remain in a heat warning all weekend.

It's going to be one hot Labour Day long weekend. 

Crank up the A/C and slather on some sunscreen because the heat returns this weekend with highs forecasted in the low 30s. According to Environment Canada warning preparedness meteorologist Natalie Hazell, temperatures will have the area firmly in heat warning criteria for most of the weekend. 

"We are looking at a high of 32 C Friday, and lows are not falling below 14 C for the next three days," said Hazell. 

Saturday will be the hottest with a forecasted high of 33 C, followed by 32 C on Sunday. Hazell said temperatures begin to cool off on Monday. 

"Looking at our normal [temperatures] this time of year, we would see a daytime high of 19 C. This average value is calculated over 30 years, so the 24 C we expect on Monday is still quite a way above that, but it will feel very different since it will be noticeably cooler than the previous days." 

Hazell noted we shouldn't expect to see any precipitation in the forecast until mid-week. 

High temperatures pose a risk of heat stroke, heat rash, or heat exhaustion, which may be life-threatening. Consider taking extra precautions, including:  

  • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day.  
  • Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time in cooled indoor spaces where possible.  
  • Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated.  
  • Check for your children or pets before you exit your vehicle. Do not leave any person or pet inside a closed vehicle for any length of time.

Be sure to check on those prone to heat-related conditions, such as infants, children, seniors, those with pre-existing lung, heart, kidney, nervous system, mental health, or diabetes conditions, outdoor workers, and those living alone. 
