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SteinbachOnline is committed to building up our community through stories that matter.  

Through a partnership with the Google News Initiative, we have been working with our community to gather feedback about the stories about where you live--how they are told and delivered.

Dave Lehman, Chief Technology Officer for Golden West, the parent company of SteinbachOnline, says these surveys and focus groups are crucial for understanding how best to serve our community. 
"The purpose of local news is to see, know, care about, and understand your community. It’s crucial that we continually check-in with our community to make sure we’re connected. We want to tell not just 'the news', but the stories behind the facts--the stories that people in our community are interested in."

The current survey is the second-in-a-year and focuses on recent changes to the website. As local news and information is primarily consumed by people who live in our community, asking readers for feedback can help enrich our storytelling. 

“Our local news and information is gathered and written by local reporters who live in our community. It only makes sense to also ask our local residents to weigh-in on how we’re doing” 

While early results of the survey indicate local news is mainly why people visit SteinbachOnline.com, there are many other reasons users are on the site. 

"There’s a lot happening in our community. We want to know how you want to be informed about it. How can we, together, make this a great place to live, work and play? We really want feedback from as many people as possible in the community. We would love to hear any feedback you have--what we are doing well, what could be improved, and new topics or categories of news you would love to read and hear more about. Please take 5 minutes to fill-out the short survey and give us any feedback and comments you have."

You can have your say about your local daily information source by taking the survey now. It's short, and your ideas will help shape the future of local news.

Take The Survey

Author Alias