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Excessive rain and heavy downpours this year caused flooding and damaged numerous roads in the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne. Reeve Paul Saindon notes the weather impacted roads across southern Manitoba and he is thankful for financial support to cover
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Excessive rain and heavy downpours this year caused flooding and damaged numerous roads in the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne. Reeve Paul Saindon notes the weather impacted roads across southern Manitoba and he is thankful for financial support to cover some of the repair costs.

As part of the Province's $15-Million announcement for road repairs this spring, the R.M. of Ste. Anne's portion is just under $66,000. 

Reeve Paul Saindon says the extraordinary weather conditions certainly damaged many roads across Manitoba.  

He says this one-time payment is appreciated. 

"You know, we had a budget and we put it fairly tight this year," he says. "It is an election year. We didn't want to burden the next council or increase taxes to scare anybody off and then you get these kinds of weather events, so this was definitely appreciated and [will be] well used." 

Saindon says this money will cover some of the unplanned expenses. 

“It's been a little odd that there were some areas that were never usually affected, but I think over the dry years, some of the drains got a little bit overgrown and plugged up," he says. "So, we had some flooding areas happen at the very west side of the municipality, out on some farm areas, which is unusual.” 

Saindon acknowledges this funding is a one-time payment but is hopeful the province will offer more financial support due to ongoing weather conditions that caused flooding and significant damage to infrastructure across the region.  

“But the regular (problem) spots are usually just east of Richer here and south of La Coulée," he says. "And some of the lower lying areas, where there are fairly decent drains that come through, got overwhelmed and did a bit of road washouts.” 

Saindon is asking for patience from motorists as the municipality continues to make road repairs as quickly as possible. 
