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Photo by Hayden Michaels

The diverse culture of our city will be celebrated over the next month as part of Culture Days. 

Nicole Spenst, Event and Program Manager for the City of Swift Current details the importance of the month-long celebration. 

"Culture Days is really a great way to celebrate what culture means in our community. So it's a chance to check out all of the different cultural opportunities celebrating visual art, creative art, dance, literacy and cultural differences, languages, and backgrounds in our community."

The city has partnered with various organizations to put on this event including the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Center, Swift Current Truth & Reconciliation Committee, Southwest Multicultural Association, Swift Current Ag & Ex, Swift Current branch library, Windscape Kite Festival, Art Gallery of Swift Current and the Swift Current Museum along with support from Saskatchewan Culture and Saskatchewan Lottery. 

Culture Days kicks off on September 24th as part of the New Frontier Fall Fair where a cultural extravaganza will be taking place from 10:00 am-3:00 pm at the Stockade at Kinetic Park. There will be a variety of cultural activities including a make-it-and-take-it event where participants can do bead making and kite making. There will also be an entertainment stage and at 2:00 pm Karima Essa will perform who is a three-time Canadian National Dance Champion and Bollywood Star. 

Spenst provides details on the next event taking place on September 26th. 

"We have the BiGiwen Coming Home: Truth-telling from the sixties scoop. This is a very interactive exhibit and presentation on the sixties scoop and the effect that it had on individuals and families and communities through the aboriginal perspective as well." 

According to Spenst the presentation will be followed by an interactive question and answer session and will take place at Great Plains College. 

On September 27th there will be a talk with Lyndon J. Linklater on Positive Race Relations/Acts of Reconciliation taking place at the Swift Current Museum at 7:00 pm. 

Author of Flatout Delishes And TV Host of Flatout Foods, Jenn Sharp will be giving a talk on October 5 at the Swift Current Musuem at 7:00pm. The event will focus on Saskatchewan food flair. 

Finally, on October 12th from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, the Swift Current Museum will be hosting a lunch and learn featuring Sam Parsons who will be speaking about The Bees & Me. 

Spenst says that all of the events taking place from September 23rd through to October 16th are free and everyone is encouraged to come out and celebrate culture in one form or another in our community. 

A full schedule of events can be found here

Author Alias