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RM of Ste. Anne Reeve Paul Saindon.
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Paul Saindon says he would like at least one more term as reeve for the R.M. of Ste. Anne.

After serving four years as Reeve for the R.M. of Ste. Anne, Paul Saindon says he is seeking re-election. 

Saindon says one term is simply not long enough. 

“It takes that long to really find your groove and get something going,” he says. “Although we have some pretty significant projects on the go and completed, I think there's a whole lot more to do and I think four more years is a good number.” 

Two of the big projects that Saindon highlights during his first term are the completion of the lagoon expansion and the new public works building. 

Saindon says he would like to see more opportunities for commercial and industrial development in the municipality. 

“We have economic development on the front burner right now,” he adds. “We're hoping to put some seed money into that project and try to find some appropriate property in order to develop as commercial and more industrial side of the R.M. because we have very little of that.” 

As fuel prices continue to climb, Saindon says more people are looking to work closer to home because commuting to larger centres is becoming rather costly. 

And he believes industrial development would be beneficial in allowing people to work closer to home.
