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Delta Beach residents may have to pay ten per cent more on the levy price they already pay. This change was discussed at Tuesday's RM meeting.  
Ryan Kontzie, Ward 3 councilor, explains what the residents can do now that the increase is happening.  

"Nowadays, things are going up. Residents were aware of it at the AMM, and there'll be a period set up where they can come in and talk to council about it. It allows them to voice their concerns as well if they're for it or against it." 

He also notes that although this was discussed, this is not the final step. 

"This is the first resolution for it. Now our staff here at the building will set up a time and place where residents can come in and voice their concerns, and then we'll give it a second and final (third) reading to pass it. Then it will be attached to those roll numbers at Delta for their taxes. " 

Author Alias