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You will notice the Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment Building is a lot more flashy. They have officially added three new billboards. 

Stefanie Dunn, executive director at Prairie Fusion Arts & Entertainment, talked to PortageOnline about how amazing it is to have something like this attached to their building.  

"This is a really exciting way for us to promote ourselves and also just reach the public. That's really important to us, ensuring we are welcoming and inclusive and reaching all those demographics. So, this is just another way for us to connect with our community." 

She also notes that even though this is a big step in the right direction, they still have a couple more things to do with Prairie Fusion.  

"We have a lot of work to do in terms of getting people familiar with our facility. Many times, I hear people saying, 'Oh, I didn't even know this was here.' We really just thought this is such a busy parking lot, what better opportunity for advertising and marketing than using our own building." 
To get these billboards, they had to apply for many grants throughout our community. They were lucky enough to receive a grant from the Community Foundation of Portage and District earlier in the year. Dunn says they could not be more thankful for the community's help because, without the community, they would not be able to have such an amazing place for the city of Portage to enjoy. 

Author Alias