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Scott Crick. File photo.

Scott Crick is exploring the idea of running for President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) at the lobby group's 2022 Fall Convention in November. The Morris Mayor says he hasn't been overly satisfied with AMM's lobby efforts of the provincial government, and the resulting outcomes.

"One of the things that I've been a big proponent of is, if you're not satisfied with the way things are going then you either complain about them, or you can get involved and try to change them," said Crick. "This is my second term on Council - the first as Head of Council - and it's been a very interesting experience for me, both observing how our provincial government has operated, and also seeing how AMM has lobbied them and what the tangible results of that lobbying as been." 

According to Crick, this sentiment is echoed among other municipal leaders he's spoken to. 

"So, the question comes down to, who wants to stand up and wave their hand and say, we need to change what we're doing?"

Crick added, he isn't entirely sure if he will move forward with seeking the nomination, noting he is still exploring whether this would be a prudent move for him. 

"I'll have continued conversations with more heads of council and other municipal leaders within the province. If I do find that they too share the belief it is time for AMM to change its approach in dealing with the Province, then that might look like a very interesting opportunity. But, if there's a general satisfaction with what AMM is doing, then at that point there's probably not much for me to do going forward."

Meantime, Council for the Town Morris is supporting its Mayor. The group approved a resolution to that effect at its last regular meeting.

Author Alias