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Lana Santana (middle) started the Fort Saskatchewan Multicultural Association in 2012.

Fort Saskatchewan resident Lana Santana has received an award for her efforts in strengthening the community.

The Small Community Enhancement Award was presented to her at the McDougall Centre in Calgary last month as part of Alberta's Newcomer Recognition Awards. 

Since moving to Fort Saskatchewan in 2007 from Trinidad and Tobago, Santana has made quite a difference in the community.  Her most notable impact was the founding of the Fort Saskatchewan Multicultural Association in 2012.

"We've been doing this over the past ten years. Gatherings, bringing people together and teaching them about different cultures in a fun way so that they can all enjoy it and become part of the community. It's vital." Santana said.

It was her work with the multicultural association that garnered recognition for the award.

Santana serves as executive director for the association and has introduced several initiatives and programs for kids, families, and the community as a whole.

"I always thank the people who help me along the way because, without them, success is not as great." 

The awards were launched in July to recognize 23 Albertan immigrants for enriching their communities and helping to build a more inclusive province.

Recipients of the award include youth, women, seniors, academics, professionals, and community builders. Anyone who has made a difference in their communities is eligible.
