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The Terry Fox Walk took place Friday September 23rd at 11am in Elrose, and included the entire school student body, staff, and any community members that wanted to attend. Photo credit to Lisa Prestley, Admin at Elrose Comp.

The Elrose Composite School managed to have some fun, as students made some special bets with some of faculty and students if they raised a certain amount of money for the Terry Fox Foundation. 

Halaena Sarmiento one of the leaders of the Student Leadership Council, explains how much money the school brought in.

“We set up a goal which was $4,000 and we were actually kind of surprised by the total, as we had $4,232.” 

One of the bets included shaving/waxing Mr. Wright and Mr. Kingwell's legs, which happened on Thursday. 

Mia Watson, the other leader of the SLC talked about the different ways the money came in.

“We did hand out the pledge sheet forms and then registration for the whole thing. So, it was both offline and online and it worked out pretty, pretty well.” 

One of the other perks the Elrose Composite School Students will get is a Movie Afternoon, which will run today. Also, Mrs. Parson will dye her hair blue/yellow, and a randomly selected high school student gets to pie the SLT President Brynn Smith in the face.
