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The Woods family lived a few doors down from where the fire started.

After the fire in Woodsmere Close on Sunday (Oct. 16), eight families are now without a home.

Rikki Woods, a single mother with three children, Eli, Westin, and Ryerson, was one of those families. 

They lived in unit 85, just a few doors down from where the blaze began.

"I woke up at 3:30 a.m., I could smell smoke then, but it kind of smelt like incense candles. I looked outside and saw nothing." Woods said. 

About 20 minutes after waking up, Woods noticed someone running through the streets yelling that there was a fire. When she ran to grab her kids, she noticed how quickly the fire was spreading.

"When I went into Eli's room, I could see the flames coming through his window."

The Woods left their home just before 4:00 a.m. and stood outside watching their home burn while waiting for firefighters to arrive.

"I don't know if it hit [my children] yet. Westin [was] thinking about his baseball hat, and Ryerson could only think about how his stuffed animals were gone," said Woods. "It doesn't feel like reality to any of us."

According to Woods, emergency services arrived at around 4:07 where they began a several-hour fight to put out the fire. By the time the fire was put out, the Woods home had been destroyed in the blaze.

"The shock's wearing off, and reality is setting in. We have nothing."

 A GoFundMe page to help the family get back on their feet has already raised over $4000. 
