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Bryn Elliott's life was marked by trauma, abuse, addiction, rape, rebellion, and the tragic murder of her older sister, Abbe.

"It's a story of brokenness in every way," said Bryn." I didn't see any way out. I didn't see any hope for my future."

Bryn became addicted to drugs at the age of 12 and entered rehab when she was 15. It wasn't until she was 20 that things began to look up for her. 

"I found Jesus, invited him into my life and made him Lord of my life," said Bryn. "I was able to heal."

During this time, Bryn also struggled with her relationship with her father, Bryan. He also endured years of childhood trauma, the excruciating loss of his 21-year-old daughter Abbe, failed marriages, the near loss of his daughter Bryn, and substantial financial and relational hardship.

"It was 2016 when I made Jesus the Lord of my life. That's when I surrendered my life and my family," said Bryan. "God began to work in my weakness and my brokenness. He began to meet me there, and that's where I started to see things differently. My priorities changed  dramatically."

Bryn and Bryan were able to reconcile, and today they are the co-founders of M46 Ministries, helping to restore families through their story of tragedy, loss, and, ultimately, transformation and redemption.

"It's something that we never thought we'd be doing. We had no intentions of starting a ministry," Bryan explained. "Bryn was writing a book, and the Lord put it on my heart to write a book and then another book. It was evident that the Lord wanted to do something in and through us. So we started something called M46, based on Malachi 46."

"It's been a lot of fun. We don't know where it's going, but we're willing to take it where God leads us." 

Today on Connections, Bryn and Bryan share their powerful testimonies, how they were able to reconcile and how they're using their own experience to help others. 
