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Halloween is one week away and there are some precautions that ghouls, ghosts, and goblins must take before heading out to get some goodies.

Constable Larry Neufeld of the Portage RCMP Detachment says one of the most important keys to being safe during Halloween is being visible. 

"If you're going out, try to dress in bright-coloured clothing. Children are hard to see because they're smaller. If you're wearing a ghoulish dark costume, then maybe put reflective tape on." Neufeld continues, "Another option is glow sticks that you can get from several shops in town. It'll help people see at night, especially when you see people walking on the street." 

He says that being able to be see is just as important as being seen.  

"Try to stay on the sidewalks and not cut across people's lawns. It causes a tripping hazard because it is dark, and carry a flashlight. It gets dark fairly early now, and we don't want anyone trip over garden hoses."  

The constable says he wants trick-or-treaters to be aware of vehicles on the road, especially emergency vehicles. 

"Another thing that we appreciate is that if you're out trick or treating and you hear emergency sirens or see the emergency lights of a vehicle, fire truck, ambulance or police vehicle, please stop. "

The RCMP Detachment invites everyone to stop by on Halloween and grab some candy and a temporary tattoo. 

Author Alias