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Jim Funk with Stan Toews (Shannon Dueck)
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Jim Funk congratulated by Stan Toews

For the first time since 2006, the Rural Municipality of Hanover has a new Reeve. 

Jim Funk was victorious over Don Bouchard in Wednesday's election. Funk claimed 1,949 votes compared to Bouchard's 551.

Funk, who says he likes the sound of "Reeve Funk," admits he could sense that support while on the campaign trail.

"There was a sense that I felt that I would have the support even though they did not mention a yea or nay to me," says Funk. "But deep down I felt that there was support there."

The new Reeve says his first order of business will be to gather his new Council together on Thursday and select a new Deputy Reeve. 

Following Wednesday's outcome, Funk offered his best wishes to Bouchard. Funk commends Bouchard for where his heart is and his desire to help the homeless and to assist those with substance abuse issues. 

"He is driven to see something within our community, like a detox," explains Funk. "I tip my hat for that, something I'm sure our community could use and help some of our young kids, our people within our communities. So, I wish him the absolute best."

Funk says he would also like to thank the many volunteers who helped during his campaign, as well as the residents who voted for him.

"Thank you so much for your support and I'm hoping we can do our part and do what's best for the municipality," he adds.

Meanwhile, in Ward 3, Roberto Hiebert is the new councillor. Hiebert garnered 191 votes, compared to Roger Harder with 164 and Nathan Froese with 10 votes.

In Ward 4, Ed Penner defeated incumbent Councillor John Giesbrecht with 308 votes compared to 290.

There were four councillors who were acclaimed. They are Travis Doerksen in Ward 1, Brian Esau in Ward 2, Darrin Warkentin in Ward 5 and Curtis Dawydiuk in Ward 6.
