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Young trick-or-treaters
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Streets and sidewalks will likely be filled with trick-or-treaters this evening.

Today is Halloween and RCMP are issuing a few reminders in order to make this a safe and fun night for everyone.

"Don't go by yourself, go with someone," says Community Constable Dennis Redikop. "Go with an adult or an older brother or sister."

Redikop says you should let your parents know where you are trick-or-treating and for how long. He suggests establishing a safety plan and a safety route, so that if you end up going longer than expected, your parents know where to find you.

With the sun setting shortly after six o'clock on Monday, Redikop encourages those going out in the evening to wear bright, reflective clothing so you are visible to motorists. He adds carrying a flashlight is also a good idea and suggests wearing good walking shoes. 

"Motorists as well, just be more aware of anyone trick-or-treating," he says. "There might be kids not looking, running across the road, we want everyone to have a safe Halloween."

Redikop says trick-or-treaters should never enter someone's home or car that they do not know. They should also avoid houses that have their lights turned off. Trick-or-treaters should stay away from dark alleys and parking lots and stick to familiar areas. 

"Try to stay in your neighbourhood," he adds. "Stay in places where you are familiar with and just have fun, stay safe."

He asks children and teens to respect property by using sidewalks and driveways instead of walking across someone's lawn or garden.

"Cross the street using crosswalks and just pay attention for motorists as well," he urges.

At the end of the night, Redikop says it is a good idea for a parent to check their child's stash of candy before consuming. He says do not eat candy that has been opened or rewrapped. If you notice something suspicious, he suggests throwing it away as it is better to be safe than sorry. He also advises against eating fruit or homemade treats that have been handed out.

"Just be safe, use common sense," he says. "It's better to be safe than sorry and just inspect those candies before your kids go all crazy on them."

Author Alias