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Rochelle Moffit holds baby Hayden (Submitted)

When Hayden Moffit was born, he was diagnosed with a severe case of cerebral palsy.

His parents were told that his future was grim and that he would never leave the hospital. However, Hayden did leave the hospital and went on to live for over two years.

"He was the worst case of cerebral palsy that ever lived and left the hospital," says Rochelle Moffit, Hayden's mother. "He was never supposed to open his eyes, never supposed to be able utter a sound, and he did all of that. He breathed on his own within a week of him being born, which was a miracle. That started his ministry."

Over those two years, Rochelle says that God showed his grace and mercy and did many miracles that kept the family going.

"There were times when it was very dark. Even though I was praying and God was there, there were times that I struggled with depression and thoughts of suicide because there were money grants for single fathers with special needs children, and finances were very tight at the time," Moffit explains. "So there were some very, very dark times, and I praise God that he was there because if he wasn't, I'm not sure I would be here either. And so I recognize that God has his hand on literally everything."

Rochelle has now taken Hayden's story and put it in a book, Through it All.  

"I don't call it my book. I call it God's book," she explains. "It was God's will that this book be written, and I fought him every step of the way, but I did recognize the calling that God wanted me to."

"I hope that it heals people. I hope that God's words in this book can reach people."

Today on Connections, Rochelle shares Hayden's story and the huge impact that his short life had. 

Originally published November 9, 2021
