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RCMP and St. Albert Municipal Enforcement conducting a car seat compliance check yesterday in St. Albert.

Most parents get heart palpitations just thinking about having to install a child restraint seat let alone actually having to do it.

Yesterday (Nov. 15) St. Albert RCMP put some of those parents' skills to the test when they conducted a child seat compliance check in the northeast corner of St. Albert.

RCMP Traffic Services, St. Albert Community Policing, and St. Albert Municipal Enforcement Services all got in on the action of checking approximately 50 vehicles containing child restraint seats.

From the 50 or so vehicles that were checked, 16 violations were detected with most being the result of the child seat being installed too loosely or the harness straps being too loose on the child.

Overall, St. Albert RCMP Cpl Curtis Harsulla was pleased with the results of the car seat check.

“The overall compliance was good to see, with only some minor adjustments to the child seats needed. Rather than tickets and fines, education and warnings were issued for the child seat violations as the goal of this operation was to inform motorists how to keep their young passengers safe.” 

 However, not just warnings were given out during the check.  Other violation tickets were issued for:

  • Adults not wearing seatbelts
  • Failing to provide insurance or registration documents
  • Cannabis unlawfully in a vehicle

You can expect to see the St. Albert Traffic Services Unit and their partners doing similar operations around the city throughout November, which has been designated by the province as Occupant Restraint Safety Month.

