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Clocks changing and days getting shorter are not the only things that happen this time of the year. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common disorders during the Winter. 

According to Cheryl Dyck with Southern Health-Santé Sud, SAD impacts around 15 per cent of people and is more common in women than men. 

She says that SAD is a type of depression related to changes in seasons where it begins and ends about the same time each year. 

"If you're noticing a few small things that are interfering with your day and you're just not quite the person you're used to being, then it is time to reach out to your doctor."

She says that there are quite a few ways to combat SAD, including going outside. 

"The taking advantage of our many, many sunny days in Manitoba. We are blessed with how bright it is because of all the snow and the sunshine. So, we are encouraging people to get out there."

She concludes by saying there are many ways to reach out if you believe that SAD may be affecting you. 

"We have two numbers for people to reach out to, our access number is 1-(888)-310-4593, and our crisis number is 1-(888)-617-7715," She continues. "If their seasonal affective depression affects them so much that they feel they're in crisis, they can always show up at the Portage District General Hospital ER and talk to a mental health liaison nurse or crisis worker."

You can listen to the full interview below. 

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Author Alias