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Photo taken earlier this year when Children's Wish became a part of Make-A-Wish

Make-a-Wish Foundation Portage la Prairie subchapter is once again making a difference here in the city. 

Co-chairperson Marion Campbell says tonight's fundraiser is their first real opportunity to raise money since the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"It has been hard to raise money, and all we do is raise money to grant wishes to children with life-threatening diseases." 

They are hosting a lasagna supper and auction at the Army and Navy, who she says, has been very helpful over the years. 

"Because the people of this community are very generous, it's hard to say no to a (sick) child. I only wish that the people who donate to us and attend these functions can see the smiles and memories they give these families."

Campbell says your stomach won't be the only thing filled when you attend, as it often leaves the patron's hearts full as well. She notes that the best part about these functions is how they make you feel. 

"It gives you a pretty warm feeling. These children are fighting for their lives. It's a real battle, and to know that you are supplying something they wish for and not only for them but their family and siblings (is wonderful)."

Campbell says the event was tremendously successful and they extend their thanks to the Army Navy & Air Force Veterans In Canada with whom the foundation is so fortunate to work. Also, those who came out and supported the effort are greatly appreciated, along with the local businesses that donated prizes. Campbell also thanks the amazing group of members who helped bring this year's efforts to such a wonderful success.

Author Alias