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SCCHS Yearbook Committee - courtesy of Jane Lamont
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SCCHS Yearbook Committee (photos courtesy of Jane Lamont).

Former students at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School (SCCHS) will now have the chance to get their hands on a piece of the past. 

The SCCHS Yearbook Committee has been hard at work, digging old yearbooks out of storage and wiping off the layers of dust in order to reunite the nostalgic books with former students. 

Jane Lamont, Senior English Language Arts Teacher and Yearbook Advisor at SCCHS, elaborated on where the initial inspiration for the project stemmed from. 

“It was born of my innate desire to want to clean up areas,” she stated. “I'm a bit of a clean freak and I thought, here are all these old books, we have to do something with them. Either we will move them and put them and store them somewhere or, we could try to get them or connect them back to people who were once here.” 

Lamont added that while sorting through the yearbooks, which range from 1971 to 2011, there were years with a surplus left over, while some years were missing entirely. 

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The archived books are being made available for sale Monday to Thursday from 4:00 P.M. to 4:15 P.M. in room 238 at SCCHS. 

Funds from the yearbooks that are sold will go directly back to the yearbook committee, allowing them to have the occasional meal as well as invest in more intricate designs. 

“Every few years we do a really, really expensive cover design like our recent one, which costs additional money,” Lamont explained. “So, any extra money that we have besides fueling us with coffee and pizza goes toward extra cover designs that cost more money than we actually have to work with in our budget.” 

She added that the response to the project has been far greater than anything they had anticipated. 

“My e-mail inbox was literally exploding,” she exclaimed. “It was taking so long to individually reply to everyone that I had to just have like a stock response, and I'll tell people to come on in and have a look because it was eating up most of my day. So, that was incredibly surprising, but nice to see for me.” 

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Copies of the 2018/2019 yearbook, that were ordered as a surplus are also available for purchase. 

All of the yearbooks are being sold for ten dollars each and can be purchased with cash or by cheque payable to ‘SCCHS Yearbook.’ 

The archived books are being made available for sale Monday to Thursday from 4:00 P.M. to 4:15 P.M. in room 238 at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School. 

To inquire about specific years and availability, email Ms. Jane Lamont at jlamont51@chinooksd.ca. 

Author Alias