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Photo courtesy of Kathy Jennings

The older members of the community can always attest to the kindness seen in Swift Current over the years.

This holiday season, you can help repay their many years of kindness in the community with the Adopt a Senior program. The program offers people the chance to donate a gift to a senior in Swift Current.

This year, Fresh Start is taking over the project that was launched by Kathy Jennings during the pandemic. Jennings has since moved from Swift Current, but the spirit of the event is alive and well under its new management.

Tracy Barton, the family service worker with Fresh Start, is inviting folks to consider the elderly this Christmas when thinking of gift-giving.

"Sometimes seniors can experience loneliness and isolation, which can be impacted their mental health," said Barton. "Adopting a senior for Christmas is a great way to support the well-being of seniors in our community."

This program, which started in 2019, has seen over 500 senior nominees for the 2022 holiday season.

People who want to participate in brightening up the life of a senior citizen can do so by contacting Fresh Start at 306-773-8168. From there, they will be provided with a senior nominees' wish list.

"All that we ask is that the gifts are new, unopened and placed in a gift bag along with a package of tissue paper," stipulated Barton. "People are also welcome to glue the Christmas card with their gift if they wish."

The program will be running from November 23 to December 14. While the three-week window may seem to close early for Christmas, it's important to note that the delivery and organization of these gifts will take some time and that people will need to have time for their own holiday happenings.

For some seniors, this may be the only gift they receive this Christmas. The difference between a Christmas spent alone, and one where the joy of the season is shared through a simple gift can make the world a much brighter place.

Author Alias