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Among the recommendations is to be inoculated against common viruses, such as influenza and COVID.

The SHA released a new letter recently which dives into some of the recommendations being made for children this season.

They say that respiratory viruses such as COVID, influenza A, RSV, and the common cold are spreading throughout southeast Saskatchewan communities.

As this will be the first winter where many kids will be in school since the start of the pandemic, the SHA sent out a list of recommendations for children.

That includes: 

  • Ensuring immunizations are up to date, including influenza and COVID
  • Advising those sick students should not attend school until improved and are no longer considered infectious. 
  • Masking is being encouraged, keeping in line with previous advisories.
  • Frequent handwashing is being encouraged, with hand sanitizer recommended in lieu of water. 
  • Students should be using their own water bottles and avoid water fountains. 
  • It's advised those students should be coughing and sneezing into their sleeves. 
  • Parents and guardians are asked to watch for signs and symptoms. If symptoms are severe, they recommend people see their nearest local health service provider to get assessed, tested, and treated.

People with further questions are asked to call the Saskatchewan Healthline at 811.

Author Alias