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Photo Taken by Ryan Simpson

Two different non-profit organizations were recognized last week at the 2022 Portage and District Chamber Business Awards Gala. The Portage & District Terriers and the Junk Yard Dogs Cycling Club received the Most Outstanding Not-For-Profit Award. 

Rhonda Kitchen of The Junk Yard Dogs says she is so thankful for this award and the City of Portage la Prairie for putting their name forward. 

"We feel so honoured even to be nominated for this," she continues. "The guys have put a lot of work into the trails for the community that comes out and enjoys them. We are really looking forward to building on the exciting plans we have coming up in the next years."

Cody Buhler, Marketing Director of the Portage Terriers, notes that the team could not have done it without all of their fans. 

"There's a lot that goes into every game that we have. For all of the support we get from the community and all the businesses supporting us, we couldn't do it without them. It just wouldn't work." 

We'll hear from the rest of the award winners over the coming days.

Author Alias