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Innovation Credit Union Community Impact Campaign - courtesy of Shawna Jardine
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Photos courtesy of Shawna Jardine.

The Innovation Credit Union has witnessed firsthand as many Saskatchewan residents have faced difficulties in the past year due to the cost of living in the province continuing to rise. 

This has inspired Innovation Credit Union to launch their 2022 Community Impact Campaign, which will work to ensure that individuals in need receive food during this time. 

Shawna Jardine, Marketing Specialist, says that the bank is eager to help the community out in this way. 

“We really are so grateful that organizations are around. In our communities that consistently step up for the underserved, so we wanted to help offset some of that inflationary costs around food in particular.”  

With many organizations straining under the weight of the current demand for food and other necessities, this campaign seeks to alleviate some of those stresses. 

“We want to reach the individuals that are in dire need of [these resources],” continued Jardine. “Part of Innovation Credit Unions responsible banking is to give back to the communities that we serve.” 

In order to extend the relief effort as far as possible, they have donated $50,000 dollars this holiday season to 10 different non-profit programs. Two of which can be found right here in Swift Current. 

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The first program that received a donation was the Salvation Army Food Bank. The other program to receive funds was the Salvation Army Meal Program. 

Each Salvation Army program was the recipient of $5,000, resulting in $10,000 being injected back into the community of Swift Current. 

This is the second year of the Community Impact Campaign however it is the first time that the focus has been centered around underserved and underfed individuals. 

“We're just so impressed with the hard work that these organizations are doing consistently. Whether they are struggling or not, whether it's inflationary times or not; They are stepping up in remarkable ways with their volunteering and serving the communities,” Jardine concluded.  

To learn more about the campaign, click here.

Click here to watch their YoutTube video.

Author Alias