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Tyler, a student with Adult & Teen Challenge.
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Tyler, a student with Adult & Teen Challenge. (Supplied)

"My life has changed so much thanks to God and I’m excited to see what's going to happen next," says an Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) student. 

Tyler is a student at ATC. He grew up in a loving family and enjoyed playing sports.

"As an adult, I started smoking marijuana and doing cocaine on the weekends but quit working when I was 23 to grow and sell drugs."

After Tyler got into the world of drugs, he joined a gang.

"At age 28 I survived a gang attack where my arms and legs were broken with a sledgehammer and was stabbed multiple times."

This life-altering attack may have helped Tyler get off of hard drugs but his addiction changed to painkillers as he healed. 

"When I realized many of my friends were either dead or in jail I started thinking about my life. Other friends only cared about themselves and money."

During this time Tyler recalled his friend working at ATC. 

"He told me to come and visit and ended up entering the program."

Entering the long-term program introduced Tyler to God for the first time. 

"I was introduced to God and asked Him to forgive me. My new brothers have been teaching me about the Bible." 
