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Amy Forbes with the Kindersley RCMP, Marketing & Member Relations with the Kindersley and District Co-op Morgan Clappison, and volunteer Danit Vass yesterday morning at Cram the Cruiser

The staff at Kindersley and District Co-op and local RCMP members had their calendars marked for Wednesday, as "Cram the Cruiser" returned to their locations on Main Street yesterday and brought tons of donations with it.

This initiative has been held a few times over the past couple of years, with tremendous results each time for the local Kindersley and District Food Bank. Equity cheques were available for pickup from the Food Store location as well, as the event was set up in the parking lot in partnership with the Kindersley RCMP for the Food Bank.

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This was a familiar scene yesterday as "Cram the Cruiser" made its way back to the local Co-op parking lot

A couple different drop ins on the day saw eager people dropping of their donations alongside picking up their equity cheque, and several truck loads of food were transported to the food bank by the end of day. During the afternoon we caught up with Morgan Clappison, Marketing & Member Relations with the Kindersley and District Co-op, to talk about how the day was going (once things got a bit warmer).

"It was a little chilly this morning, but it definitely warmed up in the afternoon," she said amongst the group of volunteers.

"There's been lots of people in grabbing their equity cheques, and for 10% Wednesday! Lots of people are around and are dropping off donations."

Aside from cash donations and pre-bagged items to the value of $10, $15, $20, Clappison shared another way they were letting people help out.

"Tags on the shelves saying which items were requested by the food bank."

It was a great day for people around the community to get out and do their part, as the strong day of donations ran from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm, and the clock resets until the next opportunity to "Cram the Cruiser".
