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A Portage local who has since moved away received a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee medallion for her research and dedication. 

Jenna-Lee Catherine Luptak is a mother who, 22 months ago, lost her second son Beau due to a liver disorder called Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) that she developed in the third trimester of her pregnancy.

Luptak says that although she didn't feel like she belonged among some outstanding volunteers, she feels very thankful to receive such a prestigious medallion. 

"I was honoured to be a part of that. Just being able to see faces that I grew up with and people I knew in the community being recognized for their outstanding citizenship and volunteerism in the community. So, it was certainly something I didn't see myself as a part of. What I do is, in a way, just a parent to my Beau, just in a different way than most parents."

She says that being able to honour her son's legacy through multiple organizations to raise awareness for ICP, such as ICPCare, the Canadian Liver Foundation, and Manitoba Health, and ensure that as many families as possible are aware of this pregnancy condition and receive proper medical care, makes everything worthwhile.

Luptak notes that she is excited to be the first Canadian Ambassador for an American Advocacy group. She says it may be a lot of work, but she is thankful that she can help other families. 

"Finding the research, development, and awareness groups that work with ICP. Being the first Canadian Ambassador bringing this information into Canada, it's something I am pioneering up in the north. So, I look forward to doing that, bringing that here.”

She also encourages anyone pregnant and experiencing an insatiable itch without a rash, usually starting on the palms of hands and feet, to reach a doctor immediately and ask for testing of their liver function.

"I want to build that education in our general population. I want people to know about ICP; they know about pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Those are both well-known liver conditions. Intrahepatic Cholestasis should be a well-known liver condition amongst our population and healthcare professionals."

Luptak says she may not know what the world has in store for her, but she will forever be thankful to her husband, Michael and her son Bennett for their overwhelming support. And to her son Beau for helping her family save the the lives of other babies.

Author Alias