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Ryan Cody Maynard
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Ryan Maynard has not been heard from since Nov. 20, 2022. Family and friends continue to search for him along with the RCMP. (Handout)

More than two weeks after a 29-year-old Steinbach man was first reported missing, family, friends and RCMP continue to search for his whereabouts.

On November 27th, RCMP received a report that Ryan Cody Maynard was nowhere to be found. Since then, numerous search parties have been organized.

RCMP Sergeant Paul Manaigre says this is still an active ongoing investigation. He says they are trying to solicit tips from the public in order to assist with the investigation.

"From what I'm seeing on our system there, tips are coming in and there have been a lot of files opened up as a result of that," he says. 

As part of the investigation, Manaigre says they must explore all possibilities, including the fact he could be out of province. Which, according to Manaigre might entirely be the case.

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A search party discusses their plan at a Steinbach, Man., church on December 10, 2022.

"Early in the investigation, there were rumours or suggestions that he was out of province," adds Manaigre. "So, I don't know if that's been confirmed or if that is just more rumour/speculation that's circulating around."

If he did in fact decide to leave Manitoba, Manaigre says he would hope the 29-year-old would reach out to someone to let them know.

"You got to keep focusing on the belief that he's out there somewhere and we're going to try and find him," says Manaigre.

According to Manaigre, the fact there have been search parties organized and the sheer number of people that have come out for those is somewhat unique. But he says he clearly has a good following on social media and word is definitely spreading. He says it also speaks well of the city.

"When you've got a small community that's kind of supporting people, then that's what they do, they come out and help out," he says. "So, you are basically seeing a very strong presence of that attitude in Steinbach."

Manaigre says if Ryan Cody Maynard is still out there in the Steinbach area, exposed to the winter conditions 24 hours a day, then time is certainly of the essence that he be located as quickly as possible. He says even with the unseasonably mild weather we are experiencing these days it is still too cold for someone to be out there for long periods of time. 

Meanwhile, he urges anyone who has had contact with Ryan Cody Maynard, even if it was just prior to him being reported missing, to please reach out to RCMP. He says any tip could help point police in a different direction or prompt them to pull in assistance from other agencies. 

Author Alias