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Ron Schuler has served as an MLA since 1999.

Ron Schuler has once again been nominated by the Progressive Conservative Association of Springfield-Ritchot for the next provincial election. 

Schuler has served as an MLA since 1999, so this isn't the first time he has gone through the nomination process. 

“You have to go through this, everybody does and the leader of the party will sign off on it and away we go into the election. So, there is a legal component to it. It just means that my party has full confidence in me and my local association, the individuals that will hopefully be helping me run my campaign say yes, they would like me as their candidate." 

This decision was made Monday evening. Schuler notes “it was a great meeting, really nice turnout and we had a great time. We are getting ourselves ready for the election, we have a lot prepared already and when election time comes, we will be ready to put on a good fight.” 

Looking ahead to the provincial election in the fall of 2023, Schuler says he hopes for a good, positive campaign focused on the issues facing the Springfield-Ritchot Riding and the province. 

“I will be out there defending my record, the fact that we have now brought $185M worth of projects to my constituency this year. I'll be out there talking about my record and what I have done and I would hope that others would talk about what they would like to see.” 

Schuler says he believes the PC Party of Manitoba is well-positioned to win. 

“We are getting ourselves organized leading up to the election as we call the pre-writ period, the election period, we are getting ourselves ready for that. We are out fundraising, doing a lot of good fundraising. We will be ready and we will put on a very good contest.” 
