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Ivan Normandeau and Laurent Tetrault
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La Broquerie Reeve Ivan Normandeau (left) and Deputy Reeve Laurent Tétrault.

The new R.M. of La Broquerie council is easing into a new term. 

Reeve Ivan Normandeau says it was good to have a slower start which gives new councillors a chance to learn the ropes before getting into anything big. 

“I guess our first couple of meetings were pretty light on the agenda, which is good,” he says. “It gives the new councillors a chance to really see how council works first of all, and then just gives them a bit of breathing room for what's come up pretty soon.” 

It will not take long for things to get busy with budget discussions expected to soon get underway. 

“And all the other sub-committees are starting up pretty big in January, so it gives the new counsellors just time to settle in and just see what's going on,” says Normandeau. 

The new reeve feels good about the start of this term and appreciates what each council member has to bring to the table. He says the veteran council members are always there to offer support to the newer members. 

Meanwhile, Laurent Tétrault, veteran councillor for ward two, has been appointed as deputy reeve for the municipality. 

Tétrault joined council in 2015 when he won a by-election. Prior to that, he worked for the municipality for 32 years. 
