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A Portager who volunteers 4 out of the 5 days a week was recognized for his volunteerism with a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee medallion and pin.

John Knott, who recently retired in January 2020 and 'just got tired of doing nothing,' is very thankful to receive the medallion. 

"It was quite the honour. I don't really like being up front. Even when I got the letter in the mail, I thought, 'oh, that's not for me. It couldn't be'."  

Knott says that since he already has so much on his plate, he, unfortunately, cannot help any more organizations. However, he encourages everyone to get out there and help in any way possible. 

"I would tell them, you know, give it a try, and if it's not for you, then it is not for you. But, you have nothing to lose but a lot to gain because of the different people I have met. They are just so happy."

Knott states you need to get out there and help these non-profit organizations because many are looking for help, especially during the holiday season. 

Author Alias