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A local resident is thanking strangers for helping her after a nasty fall.

A Fort Saskatchewan woman is safely at home recovering from a nasty fall earlier this month. 

On December 9, Rebecca Collins, 31, was out walking her dog near Woodbridge and Chestnut when she slipped on the ice. 

"I was about five minutes from home and slipped on the ice and fell in between two streets," said Collins. "I couldn't really move because I heard something happen in my leg." 

Funnily enough, Collins's first reaction wasn't necessarily about how hurt she was. 

"My immediate reaction was 'is my dog ok?'," laughed Collins. "[After that] it was just disbelief because people fall all the time but, as I was falling, I knew something wasn't right." 

Hurting yourself while falling is bad enough, doing so in the middle of a road is even worse. Luckily, a few kind strangers saw Collins fall and immediately came to her aid. 

"The first person asked if I could get up and I said I couldn't so she called an ambulance," said Collins. "Another person came and held my dog while the ambulance was coming while another person was trying to make me comfortable, she grabbed a blanket and put it under my head because I was face-down." 

Collins was safely transported to a hospital and the verdict was a broken tibia and a broken fibula.

"I needed surgery, but I was only in the hospital for a few days," said Collins. "I've never broken anything before so might as well go all out." 

"I'm non-weight bearing on that foot for six weeks." 

As for the support she received from complete strangers, she is very thankful. 

"Thank you, because I don't know what I would've done," said Collins. "Just kind of faith in humanity restored."

She expressed that gratitude in a Facebook post on Fort Sask Informed which received over 450 likes and nearly 50 comments.

"One comment was like 'from blanket lady' and 'so and so were one of the people who helped you'," said Collins. "Just how many people responded to that post was crazy." 

Yet another testament to the kind of community that Fort Saskatchewan is home to. 
