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Traffic Speed Sign - Hayden Michaels
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Photo by Hayden Michaels.

The latest round of grants from Saskatchewan’s Provincial Traffic Safety Fund are being rolled out to 62 communities across the province. 

The Provincial Traffic Safety Fund was established in 2019, with grants being awarded to communities twice a year, using proceeds from Photo Speed Enforcement. 

Minister Don Morgan explained that the funds for the projects will be transferred promptly. 

“The money will flow out virtually, immediately, and it's up to municipalities that apply for them to sort of get the mechanics and get the projects underway,” he stated. “The total aggregate amount is just over one million dollars, so a lot of the projects are smaller projects, but the ones that the communities have identified as important.” 

The funding will help with the installation of signage at intersections and school zones, as well as improve safety for pedestrians in urban, rural, and Indigenous communities across Saskatchewan. 

Of the latest round of grants that were approved, multiple are located in the southwest, elaborated Minister Morgan. 

“The Village of Abbey- $19,719 for solar flashing beacons for pedestrians, Cadillac- $18,532, for speed display signs, the ones where it measures the speed of the vehicle and lights up, the Village of Climax- $1800 for speed bumps, Gravelbourg- $16,000 for crosswalks, Assiniboia- $8,546 for speed disclose signs, and the Town of Eatonia- $18,000 for solar flashing,” he explained. “So those are the type of things that they've done all the way across the province. They've accepted 65 such grant applications.” 

A total of 557 community traffic safety projects have been funded, totaling more than $7.2 million since the Provincial Traffic Safety Fund was established in 2019. 

Applications are reviewed by a committee made up of representatives from the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, the Prince Albert Grand Council, the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Highways and SGI. 

The deadline for the next round of applications is March 31, 2023.

For more information, click here. 

Author Alias