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It's back to the polls for Plum Coulee residents later this year

Municipality of Rhineland Council has decided to hold a by-election to fill the empty seat on the LUD of Plum Coulee committee. After the October municipal election, two of the three positions were filled, with Justina Hamm and Kyle Wiebe taking on those roles.

Reeve Don Wiebe says, after the election, there has been interest in the vacant seat from a handful of individuals, so council felt, in fairness to all of them, giving the community the opportunity to choose was the best option.

"Four people were interested," explained Wiebe. "In other words, to take this back to the people, and have them make the choice, was deemed the best option. If it had been a little less interest, we might have gone with an appointment, but in fairness to everyone, we thought having an election would be the best way to decide."

According to Wiebe, the process to hold the by-election is now underway, but it could be six weeks, or more, before election day.
