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File Photo from 2019 Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon

After a two-year pause, Manitoba Ag Days are back in the City of Brandon.

Portager Darryl Faurschou is excited to be in attendance. 

"Us farmers cannot miss out on good deals," he continues. "We are excited to go and be in the atmosphere again. That's one of the best things, to get back in touch with everybody again and seeing all the up-and-coming new things in the industry." 

Faurschou says he has been going to the Manitoba Ag Days for over 20 years. He makes sure to mention that this one is extra special. 

"It's probably more exciting because we're going on two years since we have been in person. It is crazy to think. Things have filled up now over time. There are so many new things to see." 

Manitoba Ag Days will be held at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, January 17th-19th, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Advance tickets are $15 tickets or $20 at the door.  
Visit www.agdays.com for more information. 

Author Alias