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AHS has a tool to help potential patients check in on wait times before arriving.

Hospitals all around the province are struggling with high volumes in their emergency departments. 

Due to these higher patient numbers, some people can wind up spending hours in a hospital waiting to see a doctor. 

So, how can people who might want to see a doctor for a less serious issue avoid the wait? 

Luckily, Alberta Health Services (AHS) does offer some assistance for those who want to check how busy the hospital is before they arrive. 

Before you head out to the hospital be sure to check the AHS wait-time estimator for emergency departments. 

This tool has the estimated wait times for all major hospitals in the area, including the Fort Saskatchewan Community Hospital. 

Other hospitals in the area included with the tool are: 

  • Grey Nuns Community Hospital
  • Royal Alexandra Hospital
  • Sturgeon Community Hospital 
  • University of Alberta Hospital 
  • Strathcona Community Hospital
  • Stollery Children's Hospital

Though it tries to be up-to-date as much as it can, the ever-changing nature of hospitals can make it difficult at times. 

"Due to changing demands in emergency departments, these wait times may not be the time you will need to wait once you arrive at the emergency department," said AHS in a disclaimer on its website. 

While it might not be 100 per cent right all of the time, it still serves as a useful tool to give people wanting to go to the hospital a glimpse at how busy they are. 

You can check out the tool on the AHS website here
