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World Snow Day - by Ally Paige
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World Snow Day activities took place on Sunday at the Chinook Golf Course (photos by Ally Paige).

The long-lasting partnership between the Swift Current Nordic Ski Club and the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre continued over the weekend to celebrate World Snow Day. 

The fun filled afternoon took place on Sunday at the Chinook Golf Course and featured cross country skiing, sled dog demonstrations and more. 

The first World Snow Day event took place back in 2017 after Ian Rewcastle, organizer of the event, reached out to the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre to join forces. 

Icasiana de Gala, executive director of the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre, said that each year since, they look forward to being a part of the event. 

“It was an event that we always welcome and a partnership that we always welcome because it brings a different perspective to life in Canada for most of us newcomers who have never dealt with snow or any activity with snow,” she explained. “So, every January we always look forward to an e-mail or a call from Ian Rewcastle and this year, we received the call again and we were fortunate to be included in this event.” 

The Swift Current Nordic Ski Club provided cross-country ski equipment for individuals to use during the event as well as fire pits, hot dogs and marshmallows. 

In attendance for the first time this year was Gee Haw Dog Sled Tours, which provided demonstrations and answer questions about the dog sled team. 

De Gala said that the reactions from those in attendance can vary greatly. 

“For many of those who attended, this was their first time to even experience cross-country skiing, or even just wearing the skis,” she elaborated. “It's total amazement and at the same time, a challenge for them. Seeing it and just asking themselves, ‘Am I able to do it?’ ‘Is this something for me?’ So, we always say you'll never know unless you try it, and there are a lot who tried it, or just enjoyed watching or enjoyed the fire.” 

She added that this year’s event had the largest attendance in comparison to previous years with about 70% of attendees being individuals or families from the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre. 

Author Alias