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FIP students - courtesy of Brooke Roy
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Photos courtesy of Brooke Roy.

Functional Integrated Program (FIP) students at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School recently received some special mail from across the pond. 

The letter, signed by His Majesty, King Charles III, arrived after the students wrote sympathy cards to various members of the royal family when Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II passed away in September. 

FIP teacher, Brooke Roy, elaborated on the response and photo sent to the students. 

“It's got the Crown logo on the front and then a picture of Queen Elizabeth and King Charles when he was pretty young, and then it's got a message saying thank you for the messages and how appreciated they are, with his signature at the bottom,” she explained. 

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The class, made up of about 14 students, was over the moon to have received a response from the royal family. 

“They were pretty surprised, we didn't expect anything back, and then when I saw this when the office, staff handed it to me, I was very excited for the kids to see it,” she said. “When we showed it to them and explained who exactly it was from, they were so excited.” 

Roy added that it has been beneficial for the students to see the effect that they can have on others. 

“I think it's been awesome for the kids to feel this impact that they've had from across the world, so I think it's definitely something that we can keep in mind for the future,” she concluded. 

Author Alias