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Renowned Christian music artist and songwriter Micah Tyler can now add author to his accolades.

In partnership with K-LOVE Books, Tyler has announced the release of his first book, Walking Free: Taking Small Steps To A Big God. 

Inspired by his brother’s three-time battle with cancer, Walking Free encourages believers to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus, regardless of external circumstances.

"This is not a manual of how I became free, and now I've got it figured out. And here's how I did it. And you can do it too. This is not a self-help book," Micah explained. "This is a Jesus help book. This is me saying I have to walk out of the chains that this world tries to throw on me too."

As Micah was working on the book, his brother was starting his third battle with cancer. 

"I am writing this book sitting next to him getting chemo treatments. I'm calling Robert on the phone, and I remember writing five chapters. Five of the steps in the book while I was sitting next to the chemo."

The journey from where we are to where God wants us to be is filled with challenges and obstacles. Tyler hopes that Walking Free: Taking Small Steps to a Big God, inspired by Tyler's hit song of the same name, will uplift the readers with the truth that God will always walk with us and never leave us behind. He also hopes to encourage believers to experience the mercy and mission of a closer connection with God.

"I want to invite you on a 42-day journey in my new book as we take small steps away from the things of this world and all the empty promises it offers and walk toward the good things of God and the knowledge of knowing Jesus more deeply and meaningfully."  

"We’ll take these steps together, working toward trusting the Lord because we don’t follow each other, we follow Him. As we walk this journey, we want to celebrate God’s love for us, discovering the heights that His freedom brings into our lives. Our prayer will be the same one my family has been offering up for the past several years, 'Lord, help us to trust You more today than yesterday.' Let’s pick up the tools that God has equipped us with and head into the wilderness. Together, we can build roads of purpose so we can walk in His freedom. Some steps will be beautiful, and some will be difficult, but this road will lead somewhere amazing. One step at a time!"

Walking Free: Taking Small Steps to a Big God officially releases on January 24, 2023.

In this episode, Micah talks about his book and the inspiration behind it. 

