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Local photographer Rick Hughes captured this photo of a bald eagle chasing a coyote who was holding a mallard in its mouth.

A local photographer went viral on the Alberta Birds Facebook page. 

Rick Hughes, who lives in Sherwood Park, was out walking his dog through some nature trails near the Legends Golf Course a few weeks ago when he came across a legendary photo opportunity. 

"As I was walking along the trail, I saw one of the [bald] eagles sitting in the tree," said Hughes. "As I'm going down, I look down over the riverbank and there is a coyote sitting there."

"The coyote had a mallard [in its mouth]." 

The first thought that went through Hughes' head was that one of the eagles knocked the mallard out of the sky, only for the coyote to steal it. 

"All of a sudden I saw one of the eagles, out of the corner of my eye, come down and divebomb the coyote," said Hughes. 

Hughes says he wasn't able to photograph the first eagle, but luckily for him, he was ready when the second one made its attack on the coyote. What he captured was one for the portfolio. 

He posted the photo onto the Alberta Birds page and received a whopping 1,500 likes on it, quickly becoming one of the page's most popular photos. 

The funny thing about it was that this was captured on a path that Hughes usually doesn't take. 

"Usually I go left [on the trail] and I decided I would go right this," said Hughes. "Sure enough there's the eagle." 

Anyone worrying about the coyote will be glad to know that he eventually got away safely. 

"The coyote got the meal." 
