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The department responded to 325 calls in 2022.

The Gibbons fire department had a very busy 2022. 

In a recent Facebook post, the department revealed every single call they responded to over the year. 

"We had 325 calls total, and that includes town and county," said Eric Lowe, the Gibbons fire chief. "Which is a big year for us." 

The department saw a variety of different calls come in, including a fair amount of structure fires and vehicle collisions. 

"26 structure fires and about 70 vehicle accidents," said Lowe. "We get quite a few [medical calls], especially in a town with Alberta Health Services."

There were 143 public service calls over the year, which includes medical calls. 

One of the more peculiar calls that they received was for an aircraft emergency. 

Luckily, the call turned out to be a false alarm. 

"Whoever called it in said it was an ultralight [aircraft] and they said it was going to crash and it was behind Gibbons school," said Lowe. "When we got there, he was packing everything up and walking away." 

"When I talked to [the pilot] he said, 'I didn't holler I needed help or anything, I was just landing'." 

There were 47 other false alarms that they responded to as well. 
