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Morinville cheer teams had some very good results in Athabasca over the weekend.

Three Morinville cheer teams landed themselves first-place trophies over the weekend. 

Teams from Morinville Community High School (MCHS), G.H Primeau (GHP), and St. Kateri Academy (SKT) took part in Cheerfest in Athabasca. 

The MCHS Wolves were among the most successful of the bunch, taking home first-place finishes in four categories including: 

  • 1st in All-Girl Advanced
  • 1st in Game Day divisions
  • 1st in both Cheerfest divisions 

Amanda Bulger helped coach the Wolves and is super proud of how they came together. 

"The girls did great," said Bulger. "They were hitting their stunts and all their motions they've been working on all their routine components." 

The moment the team found out they won was an emotional one. 

"They were so excited," said Bulger. "There was a lot of screaming, some tears, jumping up and down...they were very excited." 

"As a coaching staff, we're really proud of them." 

The SKT Bisons took home first place in the Intermediate Elementary division while the GHP Coyotes were victorious in the Median Junior High division. 

Schools from Edmonton all the way up to Fort MacMurray took part in the competition. 

As for what's next in the cheering circles, Bulger says they are looking forward to hosting the Alberta Cheerleading Provincial Championships in April at the Morinville Leisure Centre. 

"We definitely want to get the word about that out and get all the spectators we can in the building who can come see some great cheerleading!" 
