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The recent announcement from Netflix stating that they will be rolling out new features as way to “give users more control over their accounts” has not been well received. 

The new changes will crack down on password sharing by requiring users to set a primary location for their accounts. 

Primary locations are required to be set by Feb 21, with the streaming service adding that users will still be able to stream while travelling with their personal devices, or TVs at hotels or rentals. 

Certain plans have been updated with the ability to add a member outside of the household for $7.99 a month. Under the new plans, standard users can pay for one extra slot, and premium users can pay for two.  

Basic plans are not able to add additional members outside of their households. 

The updated plans have received negative backlash with many users raising concerns.  

Many of the concerns revolve around what Netflix has classified as a ‘household’ such as children splitting their time between parents, students at university, or couples that don’t reside together.  

As a result, many long-term users of Netflix are considering boycotting the streaming service. 

We asked our readers in a non-scientific poll for their opinion on the updates being rolled out to Netflix. 

A staggering majority of voters said that they do not think Netflix is worth the increased cost. 

Do you currently have a Netflix account? 

Of the 3,231 responses we received on our first question: 

Yes represented 2,490 votes (77.1%) 

No represented 96 votes (3%) 

I share my account represented 645 votes (20%) 

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Will these changes affect how you use the streaming service? 

Of the 3,227 responses to our second question: 

Yes represented 2,854 votes (88.4%) 

No represented 226 votes (7%) 

Not sure represented 147 votes (4.6%) 

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Do you plan to cancel your Netflix account because of these changes? 

Out of 3,225 responses to our third question: 

Yes represented 2,792 votes (86.6%) 

No represented 153 votes (4.7%) 

Not sure represented 280 votes (8.7%) 

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Do you think Netflix is worth the increasing cost? 

We received 3,223 responses for our fourth question: 

Yes represented 56 votes (1.7%) 

No represented 3,074 votes (95.4%) 

Maybe represented 93 votes (2.9%) 

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The results from this poll were gathered on February 13, at approximately 10:20 a.m. 

Author Alias