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10-year-old Oliver Dahlseide raised over $1800 for the Kids Cancer Care foundation.

A Fort Saskatchewan boy has sacrificed his long locks to help support kids with cancer. 

10-year-old Oliver Dahlseide, a fourth-grade student at Saint John XXIII Catholic School, has been raising money for the Kids Cancer Care foundation for the last few weeks. 

Oliver's first idea was to sell cookies at school in a campaign he called 'Cookies For Cancer'. 

"He spoke to managers at both Safeway and Co-op to get cookies donated, and then presented them at the school's parent council meeting," said Shannon Dahlseide, Oliver's mother. 

Oliver says he was offering a wide variety of cookies. 

"There were monster cookies, meringue cookies, and chocolate chip cookies!" 

Oliver went into the campaign with a $700 goal but quickly surpassed it, making $761 from the cookies alone. 

After the success of the campaign, Oliver decided to take his efforts one step further by cutting off his hair. 

"I wanted to cut off my hair [and] donate it for cancer," said Oliver. 

This is where his fundraiser blew up. 

Donations started streaming in from the community as word got out about 'Oliver's Big Brave Haircut', bringing in an additional $1000 to Oliver's cause. 

"In total, I raised $1846," said Oliver. "[Through donations alone] it was $1086." 

A man of his word, Oliver got his shoulder-length hair cut last Friday (Feb. 24) and is now sporting a new, shorter hairstyle. 

"The hair [that got cut] will go to BC and it will be made into wigs," said Oliver. 

You can still contribute to Oliver's fundraiser by clicking here
