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The Town of Coronach has released an online learning hub for small businesses in Coronach and the surrounding area. 

The platform provides short business lessons that are accessible around the clock. 

Kelsey Manske, Community Development Officer, thought the development of an e-learning hub was the best way to support business owners in Coronach. 

"We decided to go with an e-learning platform just to make it easier for our businesses to access on their own time."

Manske said that it can be very hard for business owners to attend business courses in person with their full schedules. 

"This gives them more flexibility and convenience to take courses at a time that works best for them," she remarked.

Manske mentioned that the inspiration for the project came from Coronach's transition away from coal. The community wanted to make sure their businesses felt supported during this time.

The e-learning hub will offer courses on topics including the steps to starting a business, writing business plans, the use of social media marketing tools, and more. 

"We hope overall we can create some stronger businesses out of the platform and attract new ones," Manske remarked.

You can find more information at townofcoronach.ca. 

Author Alias