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Photo credit: Canadian Canola Growers Association
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Photo credit: Canadian Canola Growers Association

A spring advance from CCGA can help get this year’s crop off to a good start. Take a look at how a cash advance from Canadian Canola Growers Association can become an essential tool in your financial toolkit by supporting your spring working capital needs and saving you interest costs.

“With rising interest rates, the savings a farmer can realize from using a cash advance are more significant than ever. Taking into consideration the interest‑free component and the low interest‑bearing rate, the blended rates are always well below prime,” says Dave Gallant, Director of Finance and Operations at CCGA.

An Advance Payments Program cash advance from CCGA offers farmers $250,000 interest-free financing. In addition, farmers can borrow up to an additional $750,000 at an interest rate of prime less 0.75%. Farmers can apply on over 50 commodities including field crops, large and small livestock, honey, and organic commodities.

“You can put an advance to work in whatever way works best for your farm,” says Gallant. “Many farmers use a spring advance to cover the working capital requirements of putting in the new crop, or to cover their operating and repair and maintenance expenses throughout the growing season.”

“We know farmers have choices when evaluating cash flow options, and if you’re not already benefitting from the flexibility offered by a cash advance from CCGA, it’s definitely worth a look.”

Applications for the 2023 program are available now at ccga.ca. There are no application or administration fees, and funds will be issued beginning in April.

For nearly 40 years, CCGA has been helping farmers succeed with expert assistance from our customer service team. This year, farmers will benefit from service improvements that make it easier and quicker to apply.

If you’re thinking about getting a cash advance or have questions, call our experienced staff at 1-866-745-2256. Returning customers can also apply online.

Explore how an APP cash advance from CCGA can benefit you.

The Advance Payments Program is a federal program administered by CCGA. It offers Canadian farmers marketing flexibility through interest-free and low-interest cash advances.


“CCGA provides us with a cost-effective option to help manage our cash flow and budgeting.” – Alberta farmer

“Your staff is friendly and helpful and the speed our accounts are processed is very quick. I am very happy with the service you offer.” – Saskatchewan farmer

Author Alias