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Darren Gasper
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SaskDLC CEO Darren Gasper (File Photo)

Options abound for students enrolling with the all-new Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (SaskDLC). 

With the announcement that SaskDLC will be accepting students this spring and opening their digital doors not long after, it comes as no surprise that they have followed up with course options for their acolytes. 

Darren Gasper, CEO of SaskDLC, is heading up the efforts at the organization, where he and his contemporaries have managed to expand courses to nearly 200 unique options.

"We have brought together the program offerings from all of the online schools from across the public school divisions in Saskatchewan," explained Gasper. "That's allowed us to expand that programming library to over 120 different high school courses and about 180 overall in K to 12."

Some of those courses may pique the interest of folks who have long graduated. Things like animation, astronomy, paleontology, equine studies and interior design have all been included in the selection for students in high school courses to choose from. 

 All these hundreds of options beg the question of how they will cover all of them. Gasper beleives that it won't be too much of a burden for them, as they have already come up with a way to spread the weight out across SaskDLC. 

"There's going to be quite an extensive staff connected to them. We're anticipating somewhere around 150 or so teachers altogether across the 10 locations in the province. Those staff will each be assigned a handful of courses to work with."

Outside of having a massive base of educators available to help guide students through the work, they will also ensure that the local level of support continues for any person enrolled.

"We're going to try and maintain that local connection as much as we possibly can, so we've got good, strong, local support in place for students."

Students will be able to choose from the extensive list of courses available and will even be able to consult with career councillors to help them plot the path toward the future they are trying to build.  

Eager learners can look forward to the sign-up for SaskDLC opening on April 1, 2023. Anyone wanting to work with SaskDLC can contact them on their website. 

Author Alias