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Emerance Maschmeyer read to Elk Island Public School students for the reading week.

Students at Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) got a surprise visit from a very special guest earlier this week. 

Emerance Maschmeyer, an Olympic gold medalist and goaltender for the Canada women's national ice hockey team, took some time on Wednesday (Mar. 15) morning to read a story to 47 grade one and two classrooms through a video call.

The Bruderheim goalie said this wasn't her first time reading for the kids.

"Last year when I did the same thing, I heard later on that I read to my younger cousin's classroom," said Maschmeyer.

The story she chose was Mice on Ice, a story that mixes her love of hockey with math.

"Honestly, it does more for me than I think it does for them. It's really awesome to go online and see all these kids waving at me, arms flailing everywhere."

After reading, the students got to ask Maschmeyer a few questions. 

"It's pretty awesome to be able to interact with these young kids and for me, if I can inspire a kid to go after their dream, it's worth it."

Maschmeyer wasn't the only one reading to the kids, Fort Saskatchewan local Rhett Melnyk, the captain of the Edmonton Oil Kings, also participated. 

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