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Stagnant weather is causing poorer than usual air quality.

In a quick turn, the region has gone from experiencing sunny skies to smoggy streets in less than 24 hours, so what gives? 

On Sunday (Mar. 19) night a special air quality statement was put out for the region, warning residents of low-hanging pollutants that could cause sickness. 

As drivers started their morning commutes on Monday (Mar. 20) morning, the streets greeted them with hazy smog hanging right above their heads. 

Nadine Blaney with the Fort Air Partnership says this type of weather is common during this time of year.

"[This] can occur during the winter and early spring, typically when a temperature inversion occurs," said Blaney. "This is a weather event when there is little to no wind that leads to a layer of warm air trapping a layer of cold air near ground level." 

"That traps pollutants at ground level." 

This morning's quality health index rating was a five, indicating a moderate risk to the public. However, that is expected to rise. 

"It is forecasted to go up to a seven tonight and tomorrow which is a high risk," said Blaney. 

There is no set time on when we could see these conditions pass by. Blaney says it is all dependent on how the weather is. 

"If the wind picks up, it could clear it out, but if there are stagnant conditions it could continue for a few days," said Blaney. 

Alberta Health Services (AHS) says that people who spend some time outside or inhaling this air could experience increased coughing, headaches, shortness of breath, and headaches. 

To see what they recommend for staying healthy during these conditions click here

The Fort Air Partnership's air quality rating can be found on its website


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