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Pat Porter banquet poster

Supporters and friends of the Pat Porter Active Living Centre will come together to celebrate the facility and fundraise for its programming at the 2023 Spring Banquet on Thursday, March 23.

It’s been a number of years since the popular annual event has been held, and the Centre is pulling out all the stops to deliver a memorable night.

“We’ll have cocktails; we’ll have wine; we’ll have prizes,” says Audrey Harder, the Centre’s Executive Director. “And after supper we’ll have a great concert from the Eastman Male Choir, and we’ll also have a little visit from Elvis. I’ve heard they’re going to sing together.”

Previous banquets have sold out – a testament to not only the phenomenal food, made in house, but also the importance of the organization’s year-round programming.

“It’s all about community. That’s who we are as an organization,” Harder explains. “We want to make sure people are given opportunities to grow in their cultures and, of course, stay active.”

She adds that a newer, well-received component of the Pat Porter Living Centre has been the addition of an intergenerational component to its programs.

“We wondered, ‘How can we get younger people here?’ And we’ve focused on that, because people want to be together. It’s been great having a blend of all ages in the building, and we’ve noticed that the intergenerational piece of what we do has actually increased attendance among seniors.”

Naturally, every new program and initiative comes with its inherent costs, which is why the Spring Banquet is so important to the Centre’s operation. Donations will go into the general fund, ensuring the doors remain open and bills are paid.

“Without fundraisers like this we wouldn’t be able to stay open,” says Harder. “We’re a non-profit and we work really hard to stay open for the community.”

Harder relays that the Centre’s cook has so far kept the meal a surprise, but the rest of the evening is lined up and ready to go. Guests are invited to arrive from 5:00 p.m. for wine and cocktails, and supper will be served at 6. Then it’s on to the entertainment.

Tickets for the Pat Porter Active Living Centre’s 2023 Spring Banquet can be purchased at the building itself, by calling (204) 320-4600, or online at patporteralc.com. The cost is $60 per ticket, of which $40 is tax deductible.

“At 5 p.m. the doors open, supper’s at 6,” reiterates harder. “Then the good times roll.”

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Author Alias